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国画;油画;版画;当代艺术; 名家 吴秀生 艺术品扫码支付系统
吴秀生,籍贯河南信阳,1970年出生, 1997年毕业于中央美院,现为中国对外友好协会艺术创作院画家。作品借鉴西方印象派、野兽派的色彩经验,并充分发挥中国传统材料的的特点,以中西结合的绘画语言反映当代人文风貌。在画面构图上吸收了西方现代绘画的构成法则,打破了中国画的常规概念,拓展了现代水墨的表现手法,形成了当代水墨的独立语言。多幅作品被美、法、比利时、新加坡等国际友人收藏。参加展览:2001:世纪水墨大展 (中华世纪坛)2001:多元方式十人绘画展 (南京美术馆)2002:当代中国水墨展 (首都博物馆)2004:视觉中国当代艺术家展 (巴黎文化交流中心)2005:印象个人作品展 (新加坡住华使馆)2006:无界当代艺术展 (798千年时间画廊)2008:青春印象个人作品展 (798正当代艺术会)2009: 中国对外友好协会艺术创作院作品展 (首都博物馆)2010:南昌女人花个人作品展(南昌千年时间艺术馆)Wu Xiusheng was born in 1970, in Xinyang county,Henan province. He graduated from China Central Adacemy of Fine Arts in 1997,and now he is a painter of Art Creation Institution from The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. His painting uses the coloring of western Impressionism and Fauvism for reference,makes use of traditional Chinese materials,and reflects contemporary humanistic features with the painting language of combining western and eastern styles. In the composition of the painting,he learns from the composition principles of western modern painting and gets rid of the conventional concepts of Chinese painting. Furthermore,he develops the means of expression of modern ink and wash painting,and forms the independent language of contemporary ink and wash painting. Many of his works are collected by foreign friends from America,France, Belgium, Singapore, etc.Exhibition he attended:2001: Millennium Ink and Wash Exhibition (China Millennium Monument)2001: Multivariate Means—Painting Exhibition Staged by Ten Painters (Nanjing Art Gallery)2002: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Exhibition (Capital Museum)2004: Visual China: Exhibition Staged by Contemporary Artists (Paris Cultural Exchange Center)2005: Impression Solo Exhibition (Singapore’s Embassy in China)2006: Boundless Contemporary Art Exhibition (798 Millenium Gallery)2008: Youth Impression Solo Exhibition (798 Contemporary ArtAssociation)2009: The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship withForeign Countries, Art Creation Institution,Exhibition (Capital Museum)2010: Nanc…